WFSB, CT Post, FOX 61 join BBA in honoring Hartford Det. Bobby Garten

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Local media including WFSB, FOX 61 and the CT Post covered Ben Bronz graduation and awards ceremony on June 11 as the school honored former student Hartford Det. Robert “Bobby” Garten. Ben Bronz renamed its award for the most outstanding middle school student (grades 6th through 8th) the “Bobby Garten Memorial Award For The Most Improved Middle School Student.”

Bobby Garten attended Ben Bronz from Fall 1999 to Spring 2001. He was killed in the line of duty on September 6, 2023 when a suspect in a stolen car hit the police cruiser that Garten was in.

Will Garten, who also attended Ben Bronz, told current students and families of his brother’s time at BBA and how hard he worked while also being a bit of a class clown rearranging keyboard buttons before typing fluencies.

“It seems like just yesterday Bobby sat in the same place where you are now eagerly preparing to transition,” Will Garten said at the ceremony. “”I didn’t think I would get so emotional being back here,” Garten said. “I look back on my time here as a turning point in my education. My family are deeply moved by hearing the generosity and the support we’ve received from the community.”

Will said both he and Bobby felt supported as Ben Bronz students and the family still feels that support. “Despite these challenges, the unwavering support of (Ben Bronz Academy) remained constant,” Garten said. “They recognized Bobby’s potential and encouraged him to reach his full capabilities.”

WFSB: Award presented in honor of fallen detective Bobby Garten

FOX 61: Ben Bronz Academy in West Hartford names award after former student, fallen Hartford Det. Bobby Garten

CTInsider/CT Post: Fallen Hartford Detective Robert Garten honored at his former school’s graduation ceremony